Saturday, April 10, 2010

An Open Letter to My Elected Officials

Dear Local Leaders, Connecticut Legislatures, Connecticut Senators, US House of Representatives, US Senators and Resident Obama:

I am writing you today to bring you up to speed about my status and the status of your fellow Americans and Constituents.

It is with complete confidence, that I realize you are so far out of touch with mainstream America, that you must be informed as to the Fate of the Union.

It is obvious and apparent to me that somehow there had been a great loss of accountability in our Local, State and Federal government, by you the leaders that we elected into office. As a result, you have repaid the trust that We the People have given you by placing a heavy burden on us which is greater than any person should have to bear.

Clearly, before I go any further, let me state for the record that I personally did not vote for you due to your liberal ideology; which quite frankly is an ideology that I can not believe in and prohibits me from logically thinking you somehow care about my fellow Americans or myself or have any self dignity or respect whatsoever.

Like myself, many of my fellow Americans have fallen upon hard economic times. Many have lost their homes, their jobs, their families and their will to go on. Everywhere I turn, there is desperation, thievery, and a lack of goodwill and love. People are burdened by their debt, the financial crisis and the loss of their liberties.

There is an air of evil prowling around this country and it is manifesting itself to a greater degree of which I have not witnessed in this lifetime.

I am not sure when exactly you lost your common sense or where you learned to govern the way that you do but I only know that something must change and must change now.

I am not asking you to pay my mortgage, put fuel in my vehicles, food on my table or even pay for my health care. All I am asking you for is the opportunity to allow me to provide for my family and be responsible for myself and my children without interference from you.

I am proposing, for the good of the country and society that each and everyone of you, Democrat and Republican alike stand down and step aside. It is very obvious to me that you neither can or will have what it takes to bring America back to the Judea Christian Country it was founded to be. Clearly you are in way over your head and beyond your abilities.

In short, stop what you are doing and allow We the People to do the right thing and govern this country.

Continual tax and spending does not work, as you have so truthfully shown. Our Local, State and Federal check books are all overdrawn and can not sustain another day of the reckless governing each and everyone of you are guilty of.

If you recues yourself from your continually flawed leadership and allow clear thinking Americans like myself bring this country back on track I along with other freedom loving working class people will propose the following:
  1. Immediately cut spending by 20% across the board
  2. Simultaneously placing a freeze on all proposed tax increases
  3. Reduce all current taxes by 10%
  4. Stop the exportation of American Oil and Natural gas to foreign entities

The end result will an economy well stimulated and the allowance of true economic growth.

Since you will have stepped down, you will no longer need to be paid and you and your staffs will save the United States a large undetermined amount of money.

I recognize that you and your staff will be out of work and essentially unemployed, but perhaps that is what you need to bring you back into fellowship with your common sense which was lost somewhere down the line.

Continuing with your reckless borrow, tax and spend agenda will only bring this country deeper into debt and enslave our children's children for another two generation to a group of foreign entities that have neither our best interests or the best interest of our children at hand.

I host a television show at 9:00 on Tuesday nights. I believe it would to be fair to allow you to respond on this program and explain your carelessness.

I thank you for your time and look forward to your response.


Michael Festa

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