It was no surprise that the bilking of $1.6 billion by the CEO's of 17 banks would go un-punished, unless of course one actually believed the tough talk of outrage that wasn't actually existed regarding the pay of these legalized robbers parading around as bankers. It seems that of which went beyond the normal limits of pay for these immorally bankrupt hoodlums will now be let go and swept under the rug by the Obama pay czar, grossly absent of a fight or even a word muttered.
Kenneth Feinberg, the gutless puppet of the current Resident of the White House, Barrack Hussein Obama, made widely known on Friday that he would not so much as even attempt to seek reimbursement of the $1.6 billion in compensation legally bestowed to top executives at the bailed-out banks. His reasoning; he thought shaming them was punishment enough. How noble.
The problem is however, his carefully orchestrated "decision" to allow such legalized thievery speaks bounds for the current state of affairs of the United States of America with one of the greatest of the seven sins of our Country being revealed: greed
I take exception to such ludicrous policy choices, not because I am envious of those that are excessively possessing material wealth, but rather because I challenge their ability to accomplish such feats at the expense of We the People and our children and their children and all future generations that have now become enslaved to the banking masters.
I like so many other of the working class American populace have fallen victim to the slavery of credit issued by the elite few. If it was not enough that they have orchestrated the great collapse our economy through greed an manipulation one only needs to look at the equitable conditions set forth within the failed leaders policies that allow continual consumption of debt slavery and court systems that allow such criminalities against the back bone of America to not only exist, but advance with ease.
In a Capitalistic society, one builds an economic system that is characterized by private and corporate ownership of capital goods and investments that are determined by private decisions, prices, production and the distribution of goods that are determined by competition in a free market. All this of course is subject to the adherence of moral and just decision making void of greed and manipulation, something the banking system somehow forgot.
According to Wikipeida online dictionary, a Ponzi scheme
"is a fraudulent investment that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned." That pretty much seems to sum up the banking system to me.
If it were not bad enough that the Ponzi Scheme derived by the elite few which inflated home values, market conditions and whatever else these sickofints did legally and or otherwise gave great contribution to the sufferance of We the People, to allow such duplicity of thievery and banditry of any American by taxpayer monies is categorically wrong, illegal, unethical and immoral; period.
An AP article published today is quoted as saying "Among the companies Feinberg did not pursue were two whose bailouts are expected to cost taxpayers more than $38 billion: American International Group Inc. and CIT Group Inc. He also ignored excessive pay at Wall Street powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., which reaped massive profits from government efforts to stabilize the financial system. They had no trouble repaying their bailouts. He said a fight with those banks could have exposed them to lawsuits from shareholders trying to recapture the executives' money, and he did not think that would be fair."
Apparently Mr. Feinberg believes it is more fair and equitable to advocate for the assailant as opposed to the victim, something that is ever so prevalent in American Government today.
My issue is this: the same people that had their little keesters saved by the taxpayers of this country responded with the confiscation of wealth by giving themselves huge bonuses all the while that many of our fellow Americans lost their jobs and their retirements due to Wall Street greed.
You can talk about cutting taxes and reducing spending all you want, unless and until moral and just Statesmen [and woman] resolve in their hearts to take leadership roles in this country, throw the greed stricken bums out and unite with morality and ethics in combating the cancerous cells of greed and wealth confiscation, the status quo which is not working shall remain.
A Con Artist by any other name is still a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim, something in which the bakers have legally perfected.