Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A House Divided

I myself have rather grown tired of the infectious, comatose and devoid lack of common sense that the majority of Americans have welcomed within their everyday lives. With such catastrophic events taking place within the border's of the world's only super power, desolation and destruction are seen to those with opened eyes not that far off in the distance. Logically speaking, the destructive trees of socialism are just before the forest of communism.

America, in far contradiction to the every so degrading opinion of elite few; is not a nation of cowards or self seeking "crackers", as some of the most logically depraved misfits have declared. I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore.

Clearly, the arrogance and disdain that our local and state governments, Congress, House of Representatives, and President have shown us with their total disregard for the Constitution has now mutated to such a level of catastrophic proportions, one of which this country has never seen nor clearly can support much longer.

The solemn duty of our government is to obey the Constitution, secure our borders, maintain a general level of stability and peace while limiting itself in size; something our failed leaders both democrat and republican alike are unable to do.

Unemployment is reported to be hovering around 9 ½%. I for one believe these numbers are rather conservative and expect a more realistic percentage of Americans out of work is around 35%, and the stark reality is that each and every household financial budget has been raped, pilfered and it's American dream usurped by a clearly ignorant and defiant group of elected officials.

It is not enough that our hard earned salaries have been confiscated to bail out corrupt industries, support criminals that reside in this country without permission while rewarding them with social security benefits and health care, but those same very jobs with which once served to finance such lunacy have now been sent over seas to make other countries grow more economically than ourselves.

All the while, main stream American media is more concerned about Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan and whatever other idiotic "feature of the day" would distract the clearly uninformed and unconcerned average American.

My dear brothers and sisters wake up and smell the coffee. Corruption, greed and depraved arrogance reek in the nostrils of liberty and we must do something about it. Starting today, everywhere in America there is an opportunity to be heard. These opportunities include but are not limited to Tea Party and Anti Tax Rallies, talk shows, legally sanctioned elections and open office seats up for election.

Let our traitorous elected officials know that we are Mad as Hell and We are not going to take it anymore. After all, a house divided will certainly fall.




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