Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Left goes Right for a Moment

It seems that the left coast state of California went least for a moment.

On Tuesday, November 4, 2008, Proposition 8 passed by 5% of voters and banned gay marriage. Outside the gates of a Mormon temple however over 2,000 "gay-rights advocates", [or as I prefer to call them the lost sheep of the house of Israel] criticized the Mormon Faith for its role on the statewide ban on same sex marriage.Kai Cross was quoted in an AP Wire story as saying "They are on the losing side of history." Referring to the leaders of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for encouraging Mormons to donate millions of dollars to buy television time and mailings urging the passage of Proposition 8.

It seems the ballot measure was the brain child of a coalition of religious and social conservative groups comprised mainly of Mormons and Catholics.Proposition 8 amended the California Constitution to define marriage as a heterosexual act. The homosexual agenda simply refuses to accept the will of the people. Gay marriage supporters filed numerous legal challenges on November 5, 2008 against the Constitutional Amendment.

California Attorney general Jerry brown believes the marriages performed prior to the ban are still valid and he is also preparing to defend that position in court. Because there is no explicit language making the Amendment retroactive, many experts maintain the law does not void the prior marriage. This of course does not surprise me. Mr. Brown has always pushed the homosexual agenda forward. I am surprised he doesn't threaten to arrest anyone speaking out in support of Proposition 8.

I for one would like to encourage the religious conservative groups to continue to push ahead and stand strong. Despite the repeated threats by the discontented left to burn down churches and pilfer supports of Prop 8 you can be assured that God is on your side.

The act of homosexuality is ungodly and wicked according to the Word of god [Romans 1:18 NIV]. Anytime someone demonstrates in contradiction to the Word of God they can be sure the hand of God is not far from over them.

"Righteousness guards him who is blameless,But wickedness overthrows the sinner" Proverbs 13:6 NIV

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