Friday, June 26, 2009

The Chasing of Ones Tail

At what point does America stand up and say enough is enough? It seems that Mr. Obama is now causing a fight in America for parental rights to mobilize moving us yet one step closer to Trans-nationalism

The Obama administration, along with prodding of Sen. Barbara Boxer is moving forward with ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a controversial treaty that has never gained much support in the U.S.

In his never ending attempt of World Socialism, the current resident of the White House is seeking to veer sharply left once again. If this treaty is ratified, American parents will have their rights trumped by International Law.

To combat yet another form of "One World Governement", Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) has introduced the Parental Rights Amendment in the Senate, where he hopes it will gain as much support as it has in the House. Currently the House version has 101 co-sponsors.

Naturally, the Democratic Party is not being exactly open about the scheduled votes and they have zero confidence for the opposition [We the People] in their never ending assault on our freedoms.

When Senator Jim DeMint is successful in amending the U.S. Constitution to include parental rights, this move would trump the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty and keep control of American families within the country's borders where it belongs.

What should alarm Americans most is the Obama Administrations alignment with Trans-nationalism.

Trans-nationalism is a belief that distinctions between U.S. law and International Law should be eliminated thus causing the slow erosion into a "One World Government".

Albert Einstein has said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

When one continues to turn left and only left the same could be said as he chases his tail.

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