Friday, June 12, 2009

Landscaping in Washigton D.C.

If there was any question as to just how bad things have become in the United States, one only has to look at NASA. Apparently, they have decided that it is far more important to celebrate homosexual pride month instead of sending people into space.

In June, Mr. Obama signed a Presidential proclamation declaring June “homosexual pride month”. NASA has jumped right in and offered it’s support by celebrating homosexual pride.

What I find even more disturbing is the fact that the actions of Obama and NASA is out of step with every clear thinking American. With the help of Obama, the United States has left every social issue of importance forgotten forever.

It does beg the question to be asked: How long will the American people be blindly led by the liberal democrats and their perversity?

Obama has ignored the National Day of Prayer, apologized for America being America, told the world that America was not a Judea Christian nation, adorned Islam as being “revealed”, decreed the Koran as a “Holy book” and has love fests with Islamic leaders while bowing before their Islamic Kings.

Something has to change and it needs to change quickly. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” Romans 1:16 [New American Standard Bible]

All the money in the world is not going to stop the gaping economic blows the world is reaping from it’s constant rejection of God.

The celebration of homosexuality is just another intricate part of the downfall of America. The law of nature promises that if you sow bad seed your harvest will fail.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can certainly use a new landscaper.

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