Thursday, June 18, 2009

So much for Dog Biscuits

Yesterday, the current White House Resident Barrack Hussein Obama threw a bone to homosexual activists while simultaneously bringing the United States one step closer to the judgment of God.

The consequences of his action began on Wednesday when Mr. Obama signed a White House memorandum that allows the United States government to use my hard earned tax dollars to provide benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. The never happy homosexual activists however are unimpressed with the move because the benefits do not include access for same-sex partners to health and retirement plans. In other words, they are not allowed to milk the government’s benefit system like the other bureaucrats.

In essence these sexual orientationally challenged individuals are acting like bullies on the 6th grade playground.

I say this because as always, these people never seem to get their way of certain destruction quickly enough to enact their top priorities. Priorties which we any clear thinking American kows are in direct contradiction to the Laws of Nature.

The federal Defense of Marriage Act, which was signed by Mr. Clinton in 1996, prohibits the government from extending health and retirement benefits to the partners of homosexual employees. Something that never quite sat well with our brothers and sisters of depraved lusts.

Yesterday I wrote a blog on what Mr. Obama was doing and why, however now I feel it is only appropriate to take it one step further, ever raising the bar to common sense.

You see my friends; Resident Obama in essence issued the directive in order to placate homosexual activists who are upset that the his Justice Departments defense of DOMA [Defense of Marriage Act] with a rather large legal brief earlier this month.

Now I for one must say that this is the first time I will accept a mis-truth of Mr. Obama in as much that this is a move that is at odds with his promise to repeal DOMA. Obama may be a lot of things friends but he is not stupid.

He threw them a dog biscuit bone as a compromise and now their complaining. Homosexual activists as a whole usually split hairs and there is no exception this time. Their hair splitting has continued with their current whine that Obama did not issue an executive order, but rather an administrative memo that will expire when he leaves office.

So much for dog biscuits.

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