Wednesday, June 10, 2009

They Never Seem To See It Coming

I am not so sure I will ever understand how idiotic Judges get to sit on Federal Courts.

While reviewing all the evils of the day, I came across another anti God act by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. It seems that a certain Stigler, CO resident James W. Green and the ungodly over at the American Civil Liberties Union challenged a Ten Commandments monument outside Oklahoma's Haskell County Courthouse with a lawsuit they filed in October 2005.

Mr. Stigler’s argument: the commissioners' comments and actions leading up to the approval and at the unveiling showed the community the purpose of the monument was religious in nature.

The Court, in it's ever so unwise ruling, took the position that the monument "has the primary effect of endorsing religion."

I could not agree less. Any clear thinking American knows that the Ten Commandments are in effect relational in two regards. Commandments 1 through 5 are relational on how man deals with God. Commandments 6 through 10 are relational on how human beings relate to human beings.

In short, if the Ten Commandments promote anything, they promote moral character in a person and personal responsibility, which seems to be MIA [missing in action] now a days.

As for the case, a three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case back to federal Judge Ronald White so he could issue a new ruling consistent with theirs. White previously rejected arguments that the monument promotes Christianity at the expense of other religions.

The lack of acknowledgement of God in the United States is one of the main reasons this country is in the current dilemma. History has always had a way of repeating itself and the anti-god atmosphere created over the last sixty years has come home to roost. Selecting leaders like Pelosi, Reed and Obama; who are clearly anti-God has clearly become normality while rejecting rightous people like George W. Bush has become the rule.

People are paying the price of their abandonment of God with their own lives and the part that saddens me most is, like in the days of Noah; they do not even see it coming.

Repent dear friends, for the kingdom of God is near and clear.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Must say that this is a very true statement relavent to todays economic situation. Man will receive what he sows in life. Nothing more!
